Glow Therapies is an Alternative therapy business founded in 2013 by Michelle McLogan.
Michelle is trained in Abdominal Therapy and is a member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective.
Glow Therapies is based in Newry, Co. Down. 45 mins from Belfast and 75 mins from Dublin. Find our contact details.
Due to our location on the border we can conveniently treat clients from both the North and Republic of Ireland.
Michelle has a passion for caring which shines through in both her nursing role and that of an alternative therapist. She has always had an interest in the human body, how it works and how it can be encouraged to heal. This became particularly important when she suffered from a prolapsed disc in her lower back causing havoc to not only her body but her life as she knew it!
After numerous medical investigations and treatments, and at a point where she was feeling defeated Michelle decided to take a stand (all be it unsteadily) and take control of her own health and healing. It was this change in attitude that lead her to Abdominal Therapy. The treatment highlighted that not only was her back in need of some TLC but her pelvis was out of alignment causing all the abdominal organs to go on strike. The abdominal pain, the sciatica. It was all suddenly making sense!
The treatments were a reason to get out of the house other than to visit the Doctor. They provided her with the much needed control over her body that she felt was failing her. They helped to relax, regenerate and find her new improved self. After a handful of sessions and devoted self-care she was starting to see a change in both her physical health and emotional wellbeing. She was getting her spirit back.
Michelle has always had a special interest in women’s health; the female reproductive system, fertility enhancement and wellbeing. She strives to empower women to take control of their health, menstrual cycle and fertility.
Through Michelle’s personal experiences and extensive knowledge of the human body and its workings she can provide clients with a truly exceptional experience encompassing their physical and emotional health.